
Chatting down the Tuesday Club last night the notion came up that Java packages really don't carry their weight. The aren't modules, they do lead to the top of your source files being infested with clutter, they aren't units of deployment, they do cause endless hair-pulling about whether a class belongs in or would it be better in Life is too short.

What would be so bad about having all the classes that form your application in one package? It would be nice to have some tool support for filtering views onto that soup of classes, but why have those views (no reason to have only one) hard-coded in the source files?

Further discussion lead to the conclusion that you might want to have one named package, called something like "application.export", in which would be placed classes that are the subjects of external dependencies. You might have one other named package for your application, to avoid the Date problem. But really, no-one, no-one, is doing the thing that the com.yoyodyne.abomination.ghastly.verbose.madness pattern is meant to enable: guarenteeing that there will be no name clashed when your runtime pulls down a bunch of classes from a random place on the network. Think of all the gateways that exist between any .jar file you might think of and your runtime environment. How many opportunities to fix any such clashes exist between finding that the name conflict exists and getting a binary deployed?

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