This is a good resource for those of us who would learn from architects of buildings, as it is advice to would–practitioners from a practitioner and as such relates to what building architects actually do, rather than what someone who isn't a practitioner thinks they must, surely, do. This latter is a common failure mode of software professionals seeking inspiration from other disciplines—all the way back to the very first Software Engineering conferences of the late 1960's, in which an hallucinatory notion of what "engineers" do was foisted upon us. But I digress.
Some of the 101 are very low level and very specific (eg Number 90 "Roll your drawings for transport or storage with the image side facing out"), others are much broader and seem to me to have relevance for any sort of design work.
Number 15 tells us that "A parti is the central idea or concept of a building." Wikipedia tells us that parti is from the French prendre parti "to make a decision". The parti captures, presents and summarises the highest level decision that has been made about the organising principle of an entire building or building project, and examples are given where the parti expresses all that in one, highly abstract, diagram.
A parti sounds to me a lot like a system metaphor.
Number 100 tells us that the parti should have a name, such as "half–eaten donut" or "meeting of strangers". Could the nominal (or de facto [*]) architect of the system that you are working on draw such a diagram? Would it tell anyone anything if they did? Could they name the parti, the very highest level design decision from which the rest of the system design flows?
Number 28 tells us that a good designer isn't afraid to throw away a good idea. Notice: a good idea. An idea can be good and not fit with the parti, in which case it has no place in the design. We are advised to "save [...] good but ill–fitting ideas for another time and project—and with the knowledge that they might not work then, either." When was the last time you (or your team) threw out a good idea?
Number 46 tells us to "Create architectural richness through informed simplicity or an interaction of simples rather than through unnecessarily busy agglomerations". Frederick warns particularly against "busying up a project with doodads because it is boring without them; agglomerating many unrelated elements without concern for their unity because they are interesting in themselves." What interesting doodads does your current project have?
One reason to follow the guidance of Number 46 is given in Number 51, which observes that "Beauty is due more to the harmonious relationships among the elements of a composition than to the elements themselves". One achieves this beauty through a design process, or system.
Number 77 cautions that "No design system is or should be perfect. Designers are often hampered by a well–intentioned by erroneous belief that a good design solution is perfectly systematic [...] but nonconforming oddities can be enriching, humanising aspects of your project." 77 also observes that "exceptions to the rule are often more interesting that the rules themselves."
Number 81 notes that "Properly gaining control of the design process tends to feel like one is losing control of the design process" 81 advises that the designer should "accept uncertainty. Recognise as normal the feeling of lostness that attends to much of the process. Don't seek to relieve your anxiety by marrying yourself prematurely to a design solution; design divorces are never pretty" No, they never are.
Number 99 can help. It says "Just do something. [...] don't wait for clarity to arrive before beginning to draw. Drawing is not simply a way of depicting a design solution; it is itself a way of learning about the problem you are trying to solve." I think that much the same can be said for coding. Are the design procedures in your team aligned with these principles?
[*] Even the most self–organised, most cross–functional, most Agile, most collectively–code–owning software development team will have one individual who knows most about (and likely has most influence over) the architecture of the system. You can pretend otherwise, or you can take advantage of it.